目前分類:蒙古公主與苦命火星人 (8)

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the lovely deer pals visited us again today!



磨蹭磨蹭﹐ 抓抓癢欸


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火星人說﹐他也要拍些精彩的 "花寶寶" 照片﹐ 讓大家欣賞 "花爸爸" 辛苦的成果。

牡丹的富麗堂皇。(超大~的啦﹗比我的手掌還大得多哩) by the way, 牡丹也很香呦﹗

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火星人是很負責的“花爸爸”喔﹗ 看他的玫瑰開的多熱鬧﹗
上層(左邊)是hybrid roses, 下層(右邊)是迷你玫瑰(miniature roses)。


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In upstate New York, we have actually two long seasons, summer and winter. The spring and fall are very short and very precious!!  However, the spring is always so pleasant. First the pear tree blooms ( I missed the time to take the picture, now have to wait till next year…) then the crabapple, apple, and dogwood.


This is the dogwood tree 火星人 planted. The soil in our yard is clay, very hard and full of gravels and stones, it was very difficult to dig the hole for it.  The first dogwood species we picked was light-pink-flowered “Rutgers” hybrid, yet it did not survive within an year. The nursery did not have the same species in stock, so we had to replace it with a “Cherokee Brave” which has a darker, maroon-ish flower as in the above picture.

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偶寐去年搬新家, 院子裡只有建商種的兩棵小樹和一片青草地. 鄰居們的院子可熱鬧
了, 一家比一家講究, 好像社區裡有個無形的園藝景觀比賽. 火星人向來愛體面,
怎肯落後於人? 於是咱倆在社區的飯後散步從此有了一個秘密使命: 觀察學習 鄰居
們的院子, 定要別出心裁來一個悅己愉人.與眾不同的設計 偶寐是個紙上談兵的書
蟲, 搬出家裡塵封的園藝書不夠, 還到圖書館借了一堆, 孜孜不倦 (當然是在火星

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火星人: 怎麼還沒做完啊﹖

金星人: 我很努力在做啊。。。(確實在努力﹐可就是快不了麻)

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